Oct 24, 2007

The Other Side Of Whipple

If you've ever wondered what the rest of the world thinks is good advertising, check out this post (and the ensuing comments) over at the Daily Fix blog. (Full Disclosure: I am now one of their regular posters.)

Despite Luke Sullivan's exhortations in "Hey Whipple, Squeeze This" there's quite a lively discussion of the merits of the original Mr. Whipple and why he sold so much darn toilet paper. Said discussion being ocassioned by the reintroduction of a new Mr. Whipple this week.

Still, the very fact that he has fans among the marketing execs (aka clients) and marketing professors who read Daily Fix should serve as a reminder that not everyone shares the prevailing view in adland that Whipple sucks.


  1. i read luke sullivan's book and i never understood his enmity towards what seems like a good strategic angle in what has to be the worst category to work on creatively speaking, let's face it. and it worked. softness is key it would appear.

    what did he want? a gritty realistic approach?

  2. Isn't that the great secret of our business though? That annoying ads are often more effective than beloved ones. Look at Crazy Eddie. Or all those cereal jingles you still have in your head.

    The argument is that if someone comes in with a campaign that's memorable and likable, that campaign will trump the unlikable one.

    Can't think of an example, but that's the theory.
